Posts Tagged ‘generator’


Is ART dead? Mathspig Portraits by AI

September 3, 2023

I asked the following FREE, NO SIGNUP AI image generators to produce an image of a


Web Journey LINK


Cut Out LINK

Web Journey LINK

Art Guru LINK

Web Journey LINK

Image 2 Go LINK

Web Journey LINK


How random is a random NUMBER GENERATOR? The problem with the iPod, iPad & iPhone Shuffle

April 18, 2023

Here is an example of Gambler’s Fallacy, but for non-gamblers. 

We see – in this case – hear a pattern and then attribute meaning to this pattern  – It’s a conspiracy!!!! – when there is no pattern and no meaning!!!!! So Apple found when designing their iPod shuffle feature later on the iPad and iPhone. 

“When Apple first introduced the shuffle feature on its iPods, the shuffle was truly random; each song was equally likely to be picked than any other. However, the randomness didn’t appear random, since some songs were occasionally repeated, and customers concluded that the feature contained some secret patterns and preferences. As a result, Apple was forced to revise the algorithm. ‘We made it less random to make it feel more random,’ said Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple’  

p68 The Decisive Moment How the Brain Makes Up Its Mind Jonah Lehrer (Text Publishing 2009)

Try it. Pick 12 songs to make your playlist.

USE The Random Number Spinning Wheel HERE

Keep in mind that writing a program for a RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR is difficult as all programs are based on some pattern. Click the Spinning Wheel link above and  spin the wheel 12 times.

What happened? Did you get too many repeats like the iPod Shuffle customers who complained?