Archive for the ‘Zombie Maths’ Category


Halloween Math: Witches vs Zombies 2

October 16, 2022



Halloween Math : Witches vs Zombies 1

October 16, 2022

There has been a real world Witches Vs Zombie Fight.

The witches of the Haunted House in Salem, Massachusetts, are at war with the Zombies of The Nightmare Factory nearby. A witch tripped a Zombie who was wearing a straight jacket!!!! And … read it for yourself in the Daily Mail, UK.

Links: Top Grossing Horror Movies

Blair Witch Project Budget here.


Zombie Maths 1: Rates

December 13, 2011

First, mathspigs, to do Zombie Maths we must

promise to follow the Zombie Code

and be ghoulish, scary and unnice in an undead way.

We must also observe

The 10 Universal Laws of Zombie, sort of.

Velocity of a Zombie:

This is fun. To find the velocity of a Zombie mark out 10m on the floor. Ask students to imitate a Zombie and time them. This will involve deep and meaningful Zombie arguments about who is the best Zombie.

Mathspig was a Zombie while Mr Mathspig timed her. It took Zombiepig 16 seconds to zombie walk 10m. Here are the calculations:

A Zombie Arm can move much faster. Here are some calculations based on a guestimate using this link of Crawling Zombie.


Velocity of Zombie Arm:

According to these calculations Zombie Arm is Faster than a speeding chicken, but not as fast as an angry Squirrel. See Animal Olympics link.

Watch for the zombie arm

… it will grab your ankle

and NEVER let go!!!


Zombie Maths 2: Direct Proportion

December 13, 2011

Welcome to the Zombie Olympics.

This could take some time.

Another way of calculating a Zombie’s velocity

or speed is to use direct proportion.

ZOMBIE eat hockey team ..

EAT Gym Team too… very young

… very tender

mmMMMM …… YUM!


Zombie Maths 3: Graph

December 13, 2011

Zombie Cricket

How long will a Zombie take to make 1 run? 2 runs?

A cricket pitch is 20.12 m (22 yds) long. :

From graph: A Zombie takes 33sec to run 20m or 1 run

 A Zombie takes 66 sec to run 40m or 2 runs


y = 0.6t

20.12 = 0.6 t

t =  33.5 sec for 1 run or 67 sec for 2 runs!!!!!!


Zombie Baseball:

How long would a Zombie take to run to 1st base? To do a home run?

The Distance between bases is 60 ft 6 inches ( 18.44 m). Distance for a home run is 242 ft ( 73.76 m)


From the Graph:

 A Zombie takes 30 seconds to run to first base or 122 seconds to make a home run!!!

Check: This time look at the table above.

That’s 2 minutes people!!!!! He is safe as long as a Zombie is fielding.


Zombie Maths 4: Simultaneous Equations

December 13, 2011

We know the Zombie walking speed = 0.6 m/sec or 2.3 kph, rounding off.

We know Zombie hand speed = 5 m/sec  or 18 kph

Kid walking speed is about 5 kph

That is 5000 m

in 60 x 60 = 3600 sec

or , rounding off, 1.4 m/sec


……………………….y = k t


……………………….y = distance  km


……………………….k = speed kph


……………………….t = time hr

Will a Zombie catch you?  

Will a Zombie Arm catch you?

Look at the speeds. A Zombie cannot catch you … no problem.


The Zombie Hand is faster than you.  If it started 5km away from you, how long would it take to catch you?

We will write two equations.

Zombie hand Equation :

y = 18 t – 5  ………… Eqn 1 

NB:  The Zombie Hand starts 5 km away from you.

The kid equation:

y = 5 t  ………………. Eqn  2

How far did you walk?

y = 5 t

y = 5 x 0.38

y = 1.9 km



More cool zombie stuff @

The Laughing Mathematician.


Zombie Maths 5: Trigonometry

December 13, 2011

Zombies are dumb.

A Zombie starts walking toward your house from 10 km away.

He walks in a straight line, but he is 5 degrees off target.

How far away from your house will he end up away from your house?




The High -pot-in-use!

Everyone must know the HIGH-POT-IN-USE!


Zombie maths 6: Decimals

December 13, 2011

According to the online news blog, 24/7 Wall St, Zombies are now big business.

They estimated that Zombies earned the USA $5.74 Billion in the last 10 years. It’s not just films such as Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead and Zombieland that bring in the big bucks. The undead also bring in the dollars through video games such as House of the Dead, Call of Duty: World at War and Plants vs Zombies.

Here are some estimates:

Movies………….$2.5 billion

Games………….$2.5 billion

Comics, mags….$50 million

books ……………$100 million

Halloween……$0.55 billion*

Conventions……$10 million

Merchandise….$10 million

……………………………….….Music……………..$ 10 million

……………………………….….Art ………………… $10million

…………………………………………………*Mathspig used low estimate here.

ZOMBIE MAKE $$#$$$$^$#$$$@$$&$$$

+++++++ = $$$$$$$$$++++++++++$$$$$$$$



Zombie Maths 7: Scientific Notation

December 13, 2011







Zombie Maths 8: Percentages

December 13, 2011


There are 7 billion people on earth but

BUT 54% of humans can’t swim

…………….  46% can!





Number of people who can swim is 3.22 billion.


Zombies don’t have to swim

… They can’t drown!!!!

They can breathe under water


just play at the beach.