Posts Tagged ‘Bubble Cubes’


I’m Forever Blowing … Cubic Bubbles

July 6, 2012

Here are some Cubic Bubbles:

Mackenzie Bubble Mathspig

Mackenzie has made a Square Bubble.

Angus Bubble Mathspig

Angus has made a Cubic Bubble. Thanks Guys!!!


Where did Mathspig learn about Cubic Bubbles?

At the the 13e Salon Culture & Jeux  Mathematique, Paris.




This Phd student was demonstrating how to make CUBIC BUBBLES. Everyone was intrigued.


Finally, I tracked down the supplier of the mathematical construction kit used above.

It’s called Zometool. It is absolutely brilliant.

The manufacturers describe the kit as Art and Science at play.

What you can build with this construction kit is mind-boggling. Here are Zometool Experts Erwin and Lyn.

They built this sphere in several hours the day before the expo.

You can find these German product kits on Erwin’s website @ Zometool


Here is a video showing the Zometool and how to make a cubic bubble.

The Zometool is a little pricey although well worth the investment for a school.

But if  you want to make a cubic bubble you can construct your own cube using straws and pipe cleaners or just pipecleaners.

Mathspig and Ivy, 10, my maths consultant from next door made pipecleaner cubes (Below)and cubic bubbles

( Hint: You have to jiggle a bubble into the center of the cube). We had great fun.

We made the best cubic bubbles from the straw cube (below)


So go on, mathspiggies, have some fun. Make some cubic bubbles.